Channel: Online Health Mag
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Best Alkaline Foods: Wheatgrass and Barley

Best alkaline foods:  In her Wheatgrass Book, Ann Wigmore considers that consuming the best alkaline foods such as wheatgrass juice promotes a healthy aging process. The high content of chlorophyll of...

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Perfect skin secret recipe

Perfect skin secret recipe is in rice water so whether you like rice or not it, boil it and keep the water aside. Rich in vitamins and minerals, rice water is a fantastic beauty tip for both perfect...

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Emotional intelligence and why it can matter more than IQ

Aude was feeling desperate as everybody was mounting on their horse and happily going for a ride. At only five years old she was too young to participate. Unable to hide her despair, Aude could not yet...

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Raw food Party

The act of eating is never neutral: it can bring health or disease. What you eat, who you share the food with, what dedication you put into its preparation, tell about who you are, what you believe in,...

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Is chocolate good for you?

Is chocolate good for you? in 1793, Carl Linnaeus called it the food of the God. Cortes who brought cacao from South and central America considered than “a cup of cacao permits a man to walk all day...

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foods high in Vitamin C

Foods high in vitamin C: Camu camu Of any botanical source, camu camu berries contain the highest amount of Vitamin C with thirty  to sixty times more than a fresh orange. As a powder, camu camu even...

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Healthiest foods

Healthiest Foods: The Acai Berry The acai berry (Euterpe Oleracea)  comes from a tree which grows in  the Amazon in Brazil. Healthiest foods: These berries are small with a black-purple colour and are...

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Overcoming adversity (and become a leader in the process)

Overcoming adversity is certainly what James Stockdale set himself to do when his plane was shot in 1965 during the Vietnam war. As he drifted down to earth after ejecting from his plane, he thought...

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Abundance in your life: the power of “I am”

Abundance is seek and yet so elusive to most people. What if the key to abundance was to be found within, in your own identity. “I am” are the two most powerful words on the planet because they are...

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The art of staying in charge when facing the enemy

In the Film Sophie’s choice, Meryl Streep is sent to Auschwitz with her two children, a girl and a boy. As she arrives, her beauty is noticed by the enemy a German officer who seems to fancy her. As...

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Life purpose: why not having one is actually OK!

Still wondering about your life purpose, I bet you have been confronted to the question of your life purpose early in life. How many times have you been asked: “what do you want to be when you grow...

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Chronic illness: when addressing pollution is a condition of our very survival

Chronic illness has dramatically developed over the recent years in the world. Steve Job, died at age 58 from a pancreas cancer. His fortune estimated to seven billions dollars did not prevent the...

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How to let go of someone you love or a thank you to my ex.

How to let go of someone you love I have always believed that each relationship offers an opportunity to grow and that each connection you make with someone else may lead to a deeper connection with...

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Why Being Yourself Matters More than Any Skills

As far as I can remember, I have been told that my temper would only brought me trouble. I was being too difficult; my rebellious nature would be an impediment to my success; I was too nervous. In...

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Emotional intelligence and why it can matter more than IQ

Aude was feeling desperate as everybody was mounting on their horse and happily going for a ride. At only five years old she was too young to participate. Unable to hide her despair, Aude could not yet...

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Raw food Party

The act of eating is never neutral: it can bring health or disease. What you eat, who you share the food with, what dedication you put into its preparation, tell about who you are, what you believe in,...

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We can all think of times where we know we should have stood up for ourselves but we did not because we were caught off guard, afraid to be misinterpreted or even hurt somebody. When we don’t express...

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